Important dates to know:
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 15 April 2025
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 May 2025
  • Deadline for early bird registration: 31 May 2025
How to submit the abstract
  • Create an account: If you haven’t already, create an account on our submission portal to access the abstract submission form.
  • Prepare your abstract: Write your abstract according to the provided guidelines, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and scientific rigor.
  • Submit your abstract: Log in with your AFOS credentials to submit your application. Complete the online abstract application by the appropriate deadline.
  • Review and confirmation: After submission, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your abstract. You will also be notified of the review outcome in due course.
Submission guidelines
  • Abstract submissions are open to all professionals, including researchers, residents, fellows, and allied health professionals.
  • Abstracts should be original research or clinical case reports that have not been previously published or presented at a major conference on or before April 15, 2025.
  • Each abstract should adhere to the specified formatting guidelines and include essential components such as background, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Abstracts will undergo peer review by a panel of experts in the field of metabolic bone disease.
  • Accepted abstracts will be scheduled for an oral, a poster, or an ePoster presentation at the AFOS 2025 meeting.
Instructions to complete abstract application:
  • Title
    • The title is limited to 300 characters (including punctuation, but not spaces) and must begin with a capital letter and be followed by lowercase letters.
    • Do not include any abbreviations in the title.
  • Abstract:
    • Length: Do not exceed the space provided on the application (300 words)
    • Language: Use English only
    • The abstract must include four parts:
      1. Background should clearly state the problem and the purpose of the study.
      2. Methods should provide a description of what was actually done.
      3. Results should contain the study findings.
      4. Discussion and conclusion should be based on the findings and relate to the stated purpose of the study and existing knowledge.
  • DO NOT include an image, table, references, title, or author information in your abstract.
  • DO NOT use abbreviations that have not been specified first.
  • DO NOT include statements such as “the results will be discussed” or “data will be presented and discussed” in your conclusion, as these are NOT acceptable.
  • List all authors in the space provided.
Authors may not be added or removed after submission closes on 15 April 2025, nor after acceptance.
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